Monday, March 14, 2011


Ta da! If anyone wants their's redone I'm all up for that. These were pretty quick sketches and taking another whack at it won't take long at all, but I hope I captured somewhat of a likeness. [Also if you want me to do matching ones for Steven and I, I'll redo our's, but I figured it's your guy's game, we're just here to tie a bow on it, haha.]


  1. Aw man, those are really freakin' cool. I think you managed to make us look like a boy band, but that's alright lol. I love the way we all look. The little chibi versions of you and Steven are cute, and I think I might put them next to your artwork in the slides, but if you could provide similar sketches of yourselves as well, I think that would look really cool, too.

  2. Hahaha, best boy band EVER.

    All right, I edited the entry with an updated version that includes Steven and I. Hopefully come your final presentation I can draw a really awesome team portrait for you all!

  3. One word: Aaaaaaaaaawesome.

    That is really cool. Seriously, I'm humbled. I love this.
